YES!!! Finally today I have achieved my first goal, I have finished my Season 1 Episode Guide, as you can tell i've also made a couple of changes to the website mainly the theme as I feel this one works a bit better for the time being. Depending on how well the website does will depend on how it goes forward as I will be getting a domain registered when I'm confident I can devote the time it needs.
Well lots has changed in the last 48 hours, I apologise for no blog yesterday however spent the day getting things sorted for the website. I have now rearranged the Episode Guide into Series as I quickly realised that the page would be huge otherwise. It also gives room for more pictures and a more Season friendly feel.
Also introduced has been a Contact me section for the website, which you can use to give me feedback on the website or request a link to be added to the website. I have added more photos to the Season 1-4 Gallery as I had noticed I missed a few important moments throughout the seasons, I also added a Season 5-6 Gallery complete with pictures. Season 7 will be added over the coming days, my priority at the minute is finishing Season 1 Episode guide as I need to do the episode write ups for each one. So I have been busy creating All Of Time and Space which is in itself quite a big job!! - I am busy trying to decide what pages to have, currently I am working on the Season 1 Episode guide and I hope to have that complete this weekend.
I have just thought about having a Photo Gallery for Doctor Who up and think I will add that either tonight or tomorrow, however in terms of content this will take time. |
@UKVampireI am a huge Doctor Who fan, and have been since the classic series. I decided to start the website because I wanted to work on something WHO related and with the 50th Anniversary this year now seemed a great time. ArchivesCategories |